6486 documents matched the search for L15 C12 D11 D12 D83 in JEL-codes.
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La valoración de la coyuntura económica desde la perspectiva del consumidor, Francisco Alvira,
in EKONOMIAZ. Revista vasca de Economía
Keywords: La perspectiva del consumidor, valoración económica, encuestas, psicología del consumo
Impact of equivalence scales on the spatial distribution of poverty in Cameroon: a dynamic approach, Luc Nembot Ndeffo, Ngangue Ngwen, Pierre Joubert Nguetse Tegoum, Cyrille Bergaly Kamdem and Marienne Makoudem Tene,
in Journal of Developing Areas
Keywords: Equivalence scales, poverty, harmonized data, global scale, specific scales for goods, Cameroon
Consumer Information Search Revisited: Theory and Empirical Analysis, S. Moorthy, B.T. Ratchford and D. Taluksar,
from Rochester, Business - Marketing Science
Heuristics as Decison Rules - Part I: The Single Consumer, W. Guth and W. Neuefeind,
from Flinders of South Australia - Discipline of Economics
What Shapes Consumer Choice and Financial Products? A Review, Cheryl Lim, Souphala Chomsisengphet and Sumit Agarwal,
in Annual Review of Financial Economics
Keywords: choice inefficiencies, cognitive ability, consumer behavior, consumer bias, consumer credit, consumer finance, consumer financial regulation, financial products, mortgage debt, personal investments
in Almanac of PhD Students
Keywords: инфлация, доходи, потребление
Information System for the Management of the Processes, Vladimir Krajcik,
in Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Keywords: Processes, process management of information systems, procedural methodology, project management
Revealing the Willingness-to-Pay an Experiment with a Non Market Good, A. Lunander,
from Uppsala - Working Paper Series
Comportement des consommateurs dans l'espace metropolitain: arbitrage entre centre-ville et en peripheries commerciales, P.-Y. Leo and J. Philippe,
from Universite Aix-Marseille III
Greening Household Behaviour and Food, Katrin Millock,
from OECD Publishing
Keywords: animal welfare, attitudes, attitudes, behaviour, bien-être animal, comportement, consentement à payer (CAP), enquête auprès des ménages, fruits et légumes biologiques, household survey, labelling, organic fruits and vegetables, willingness-to-pay, étiquetage
Flip-Flopping, Primary Visibility, and the Selection of Candidates, Marina Agranov,
in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Business Processes Improvement by Using Consumers’ Knowledge, Ewa Ziemba and Monika Eisenbardt,
in Problemy Zarzadzania
Keywords: prosumer, prosumption, knowledge sharing, consumer’s knowledge, business processes
Searching for Service, Maarten C. W. Janssen and T. Tony Ke,
in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Trumping Norms: Lab Evidence on Aggressive Communication before and after the 2016 US Presidential Election, Jennie Huang and Corinne Low,
in American Economic Review
Digitizing Disclosure: The Case of Restaurant Hygiene Scores, Weijia Dai and Michael Luca,
in American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
Some Misconceptions in Statistical Hypothesis Testing, Ching-Fan Chung,
in Journal of Economics and Management
Keywords: hypothesis testing, two types of errors, power
Testing a Regression Model when we Have Smooth Alternatives in Mind, W. Hardle and A. Kneip,
from Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique
Three Lectures on the Walrasian Hypotheses for Exchange Economies, Donald Brown,
from Yale - Economic Growth Center
ANOVA în cercetrările de marketing, Cornelia Tomescu Dumitrescu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: ANOVA, Market cars research, Snedecor test
Big data analytics in economics: What have we learned so far, and where should we go from here?, Norman Swanson and Weiqi Xiong,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
An exact, unified distributional characterization of statistics used to test linear hypotheses in simple regression models, Thomas Parker,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Test of linear restrictions, Generalized beta distribution, Small-sample probability distribution, Regression model
Finite-sample inference methods for autoregressive\ processes: an approach based on truncated pivotal autoregression, jean-marie Dufour et Malika Neifar,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: \QTR{bf}{ }Time series; autoregressive process; multiple unit root; exact inference; test; confidence region; power analysis; Monte Carlo experience.
A Specification Test for Time Series Models by a Normality, Jin-Chuan Duan,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: Consistency, Power, Size
Martingale Tests of Value-at-Risk, Peter Christoffersen and Jeremy Berkowitz,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: risk management, backtesting, stochastic volatility
How cluster-robust inference is changing applied econometrics, James MacKinnon,
in Canadian Journal of Economics
Artificial Regressions, James MacKinnon and Russell Davidson,
from Economics Department, Queen's University
Keywords: Heteroskedasticity, Gauss-Newton Regression, Specification Test
Testing for more positive expectation dependence with application to model comparison, Michel Denuit, Julien Trufin and Thomas Verdebout,
from Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA)
Keywords: Expectation dependence ; Concentration curve ; Lorenz curve ; Autocalibration ; Convex order ; Balance correction
Reprint of: Robust inference on correlation under general heterogeneity, Liudas Giraitis, Yufei Li and Peter C.B. Phillips,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Serial correlation; Cross-correlation; Heteroskedasticity; Martingale differences;
in Revista Global de Negocios
Keywords: Wine Tourism, Competitiveness, Valle de Guadalupe, B.C.
A robustified Jarque–Bera test for multivariate normality, Namhyun Kim,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Goodness of fit test; Jarque–Bera test; Mardia’s test; Multivariate normality; Power comparison;
On testing for structural break of coefficients in factor-augmented regression models, Sanpan Chen, Guowei Cui and Jianhua Zhang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Structural break test; Factor-augmented regression model; Asymptotic null distribution;
Finite-sample exact tests for linear regressions with bounded dependent variables, Olivier Gossner and Karl Schlag,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Nonparametric linear regression; Exact test; Heteroskedasticity;
Variation-based tests for volatility misspecification, Alex Papanicolaou and Kay Giesecke,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Volatility testing; Diffusion processes; Goodness-of-fit tests;
Testing for (in)finite moments, Lorenzo Trapani,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Finite moments; Randomised tests; Chover-type Law of the Iterated Logarithm; Strong Law of Large Numbers;
A dual approach to inference for partially identified econometric models, Hiroaki Kaido,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Partial identification; Criterion function; Support function;
Subvector inference when the true parameter vector may be near or at the boundary, Philipp Ketz,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Boundary; Asymptotic normality; Admissibility; Random coefficients;
High-dimensional test for alpha in linear factor pricing models with sparse alternatives, Long Feng, Wei Lan, Binghui Liu and Yanyuan Ma,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: High dimensionality; Linear factor pricing model; Securities in stock markets; Sparse alternatives; Tests for alpha;
Rank-based max-sum tests for mutual independence of high-dimensional random vectors, Hongfei Wang, Binghui Liu, Long Feng and Yanyuan Ma,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Asymptotic independence; Fixed effects panel data regression models; High dimensionality; Max-sum tests; Rank-based tests;
Testing equality of several distributions in separable metric spaces: A maximum mean discrepancy based approach, Jin-Ting Zhang, Jia Guo and Bu Zhou,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Data heterogeneity; Multi-sample test for equal distributions; Maximum mean discrepancy; Three-cumulant matched chi-square-approximation; Gaussian kernel;
Robust inference on correlation under general heterogeneity, Liudas Giraitis, Yufei Li and Peter Phillips,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Serial correlation; Cross-correlation; Heteroskedasticity; Martingale differences;
A Residual-Based Cointegration test with a Fourier Approximation, Veli Yilanci,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: cointegration test; Fourier function; structural breaks.
Multiple hypothesis testing of market risk forecasting models, Francesco Paolo Esposito and Mark Cummins,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: value-at-risk, expected shortfall, bootstrap multiple hypothesis testing, generalized familywise error rate, multiple comparison map
Conditional Independence test for categorical data using Poisson log-linear model, Michail Tsagris,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Conditional independence, categorical data, Poisson log-linear models
Robust Inference by Sub-sampling, Nasreen Nawaz,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: HAC, Spatial Correlation, Robust, Inference
Testing Independence for a Large Number of High–Dimensional Random Vectors, Jiti Gao, Guangming Pan and Yanrong Yang,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Central limit theorem, Covariance stationary time series, Empirical spectral distribution, Independence test, Large dimensional sample covariance matrix; Linear spectral statistics.
On the inconsistency of the Breusch-Pagan test, Asad Zaman,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: heteroskedasticity; Breusch-Pagan test; test consistency; F test
Testing Performace of Random Access Memory Using Linear Models, Filip Tošenovský,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: RAM memory, linear model, analysis of covariance, deviance
Une modalité d'éviter les tables des centiles dans la cas des régions de confiance et des tests statistiques, Daniel Ciuiu,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: confidence regions; statistical tests
Precise finite-sample quantiles of the Jarque-Bera adjusted Lagrange multiplier test, Diethelm Wuertz and Helmut Katzgraber,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Jarque-Bera; Lagrange Multiplier
Thünens Theorie des 'naturgemäßen Lohns': Zur Entdeckung des Grenzproduktivitätsprinzips in der Theorie der funktionellen Einkommensverteilung, Robert Stelter,
from University of Rostock, Institute of Economics
Keywords: naturgemäßer Lohn, Johann Heinrich von Thünen, Grenzproduktivität
Fixed, Random, or Something in Between? – A Variant of HAUSMAN's Specification Test for Panel Data Estimators, Manuel Frondel and Colin Vance,
from RWI - Leibniz-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Ruhr-University Bochum, TU Dortmund University, University of Duisburg-Essen
Keywords: Specification tests, fuel price elasticity
Fractional integration and the augmented dickey-fuller test, Walter Krämer,
from Technische Universität Dortmund, Sonderforschungsbereich 475: Komplexitätsreduktion in multivariaten Datenstrukturen
Keywords: Dickey-Fuller Test, fractional alternatives
Spatial Unit Roots, Ulrich Müller and Mark Watson,
from Verein für Socialpolitik / German Economic Association
Inference for Linear Conditional Moment Inequalities, Isaiah Andrews, Jonathan Roth and Ariel Pakes,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
A model specification test for GARCH(1,1) processes, Anne Leucht, Michael H. Neumann and Jens-Peter Kreiss,
from University of Mannheim, Department of Economics
Keywords: Bootstrap , Cramér-von Mises test , GARCH processes , V-statistic
Unit Root Tests with Markov-Switching, Randolph, Qin Xiao and Tan Gee Kwang,
from Econometric Society
Keywords: unit root, three states markov switching, explosive rational bubbles
Tax Reform and Coordination in a Currency Union, Benjamin Carton,
in International Economics
Keywords: Fiscal Policy;Monetary Policy;DSGE;Value added Tax;Monetary Union
Convenient Specification Tests for Logit and Probit Models, Russell Davidson and James MacKinnon,
from Economics Department, Queen's University
Keywords: binary response model, LM test, logit, probit
Robust Tests for White Noise and Cross-Correlation, Violetta Dalla, Liudas Giraitis and Peter Phillips,
from Queen Mary University of London, School of Economics and Finance
Keywords: Serial correlation, cross-correlation, heteroskedasticity, martingale
A two-stage procedure for partially identified models, Hiroaki Kaido and Halbert White,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Partial identification; Set estimation; Two-stage estimation; Effros-measurability;
Hypothesis Testing in Econometrics, Joseph P. Romano, Azeem Shaikh and Michael Wolf,
in Annual Review of Economics
Keywords: asymptotics, multiple testing, optimality, resampling
A Simple Specification Test for Models with Many Conditional Moment Inequalities, Mathieu Marcoux, Thomas Russell and Yuanyuan Wan,
from University of Toronto, Department of Economics
Keywords: Misspecification, Moment Inequality, Partial identification, Specification Testing
Higher Order Properties of the Wild Bootstrap Under Misspecification, Patrick Kline and Andres Santos,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
multiple testing, Joseph P. Romano, Azeem Shaikh and Michael Wolf,
from Palgrave Macmillan
Keywords: Multiple Testing, Familywise Error Rate, real estate finance, Resampling
Hypothesis testing in econometrics, Joseph P. Romano, Azeem Shaikh and Michael Wolf,
from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: Asymptotics, multiple testing, optimality, resampling
Significance test in nonstationary logit panel model with serially correlated dependent variable, Chia-Shang J. Chu, Nan Liu and Lina Zhang,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Nonstationary panel logit; Serial correlation; Significance test;
Inference about realized volatility using infill subsampling, Ilze Kalnina and Oliver Linton,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Realised Volatility; Semimartingale; Subsampling; Infill Asymptotic Scheme
Estimating quadratic variation consistently in the presence of correlated measurement error, Ilze Kalnina and Oliver Linton,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Endogenous noise; Market Microstructure; Realised Volatility; Semimartingale
Higher order properties of the wild bootstrap under misspecification, Patrick Kline and Andres Santos,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Wild bootstrap; Misspecification; Edgeworth expansion;
On testing for the mean vector of a multivariate distribution with generalized and {2}-inverses, Pierre Duchesne and Christian Francq,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: two-inverses; generalized Wald's method; generalized inverses; multivariate analysis; singular normal distribution
On the Power of Invariant Tests for Hypotheses on a Covariance Matrix, David Preinerstorfer and Benedikt Pötscher,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: power function, invariant test, autocorrelation, spatial correlation, zero-power trap, indistinguishability, Durbin-Watson test, Cliff-Ord test
Effects of perceived risks and benefits in the formation of the consumption privacy paradox: a study of the use of wearables in people practicing physical activities, Renata Benigna Gonçalves and Júlio César Bastos Figueiredo,
in Electronic Markets
Keywords: Privacy paradox, Paradox scale, Metric, Paradoxical consumption, Wearables
Determinants of Dropout and Child School Enrollment: A Case Study from Rural Islamabad, Uzma Naz, Zainab Ejaz and Naveed Khan,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: school dropouts; probit; determinants modeling; rural Pakistan
Two component modified Lilliefors test for normality, Piotr Sulewski,
in Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy
Keywords: Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Goodness-of-fit test, Lilliefors test, Monte Carlo method
A Multivariate GARCH Model with Time-Varying correlations, Y. K. Tse and Albert Tsui,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: BEKK model, constant correlation, Monte Carlo method, multivariate GARCH model, maximum likelihood estimate, varying correlation
Tables of Percentage Points of the k-Variate Normal Distribution for Large Values of k, William Horrace,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Multivariate normal distribution, multiple comparisons, simultaneous confidence intervals
Factor model for assessing the state of the digital economy, Aleksandr P. Sukhodolov, Ilya A. Slobodnyak and Valentina A. Marenko,
in Journal of New Economy
Keywords: digital economy; cognitive model; cognitive map; simulation experiment
in Journal of Applied Economic Sciences
Keywords: Event detection, nonlinearity, stock market, Turkey
A Permutation-based Combination of Sign Tests for Assessing Habitat Selection, Lorenzo Fattorini, Caterina Pisani, Francesco Riga and Marco Zaccaroni,
from Department of Economics, University of Siena
Keywords: compositional data analysis, Johnson’s second order selection, Johnson’s third order selection, Monte Carlo studies, multiple testing, random habitat use.
Testing the hypothesis of a doubly exchangeable covariance matrix for elliptically contoured distributions, Carlos Coelho and Anuradha Roy,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Testing of hypothesis of a block compound symmetric covariance matrix, Carlos Coelho and Anuradha Roy,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: characteristic function, composition of hypothesis, distribution of likelihood ratio statistics, near-exact distributions, product of independent Beta random variables, sum of independent Gamma random variables.
Testing the Equality of Mean Vectors for Paired Doubly Multivariate Observations, Anuradha Roy and Ricardo Leiva,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Blocked compound symmetry; Paired doubly multivariate data; a natural extension of the Hotelling’s T2 statistic
Tests regarding parameters of several independent gamma populations, Ram Tripathi,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Gamma distribution, minimum chi-square, general linear hypothesis, shape and scale parameters, multiple groups.
Null hypothesis significance tests. A mix-up of two different theories: the basis for widespread confusion and numerous misinterpretations, Jesper W. Schneider,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Null hypothesis significance test, Fisher’s significance test, Neyman–Pearson’s hypothesis test, Statistical inference, Scientometrics
Evaluation of Brazilian research output in education: confronting international and national contexts, Eliseo Reategui, Alause Pires, Michel Carniato and Sergio Roberto Kieling Franco,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Research assessment, Education, QUALIS, CAPES, Brazil
Open access initiatives in European universities: analysis of their implementation and the visibility of publications in the YERUN network, Daniela Filippo and Jorge Mañana-Rodríguez,
in Scientometrics
Keywords: Open access, YERUN network, Bibliometric analysis, Document analysis
Testing for more positive expectation dependence with application to model comparison, Michel Denuit, Julien Trufin and Thomas Verdebout,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Expectation dependence; Concentration curve; Lorenz curve; Autocalibration; Convex order; Balance correction;
A robust test for multivariate normality, Kristian Jönsson,
in Economics Letters
Keywords: Normality testing; Finite sample; Size distortion;
The Concept of Stringency for Test Comparison: The Case of a Cauchy Location Parameter, Arif Zaman, Asad Zaman and Atiq Rehman,
in International Econometric Review (IER)
Keywords: Power Envelope, Location Parameter, Stringent Test.
Consistent Model Specification Testing, James Davidson and Andreea Halunga,
from University of Exeter, Department of Economics
Keywords: speci?cation testing; quasi-maximum likelihood estimators; generalized method of moments estimators.
Omnibus Tests for Multivariate Normality of Observations and Residuals, Carlos Urzúa,
from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Ciudad de México
Keywords: test, multivariate normality, maximum entropy
Reply to Deirdre McCloskey and Stephen Ziliak on Statistical Significance, Thomas Mayer,
in Econ Journal Watch
Keywords: Significance tests, t’s, p’s, confidence intervals, Ziliak, McCloskey, oomph
Testing Under Local Misspecification and Artificial Regressions, Walter Sosa Escudero, Anil K. Bera and Gabriel Montes Rojas,
from Universidad de San Andres, Departamento de Economia
Keywords: specification tests, LM tests, artificial regression
A simple nonparametric test for the existence of finite moments, Igor Fedotenkov,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Heavy tails, tail index, finite moment, test, consistency
Robust Tests for White Noise and Cross-Correlation, Violetta Dalla, Liudas Giraitis and Peter Phillips,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Serial correlation, Cross-correlation, Heteroskedasticity, Martingale differences
Robust Tests for White Noise and Cross-Correlation, Violetta Dalla, Liudas Giraitis and Peter Phillips,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Serial correlation, Cross-correlation, Heteroskedasticity, Martingale differences
Testing the Martingale Hypothesis, Peter Phillips and Sainan Jin,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Brownian functional, Martingale hypothesis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Cramer-von Mises test, Explosive process, Exchange rates
The Impact of a Hausman Pretest on the Size of Hypothesis Tests, Patrik Guggenberger,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Asymptotic size, Exogeneity, Hausman specification test, Pretest, Size distortion
A Conditional Kolmogorov Test, Donald Andrews,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Bootstrap, consistent test, parametric model, specification test
Optimal Changepoint Tests for Normal Linear Regression, Donald Andrews, Inpyo Lee and Werner Ploberger,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Optimal test, multiple changepoints, structural change test